Electric Slide (DK)
Electric Slide (DK) floods me with memories of my grandmother, Hazel, who I used to visit in British Columbia during our summer vacations. She taught seniors line dancing for several years, so my brother and I would be brought to the dance hall to watch (and sometimes participate) in line dancing with all these lovely folks in their western wear… which entailed that stunning electric blue. It is funny how we forget about these beautiful, pleasant moments like that until we are brought back to them with something as simple as a colour. 🦄 Also available on Ravelry. 🦄 Sign up for the rhyFlower Knits Newsletter for email notifications of new releases with exclusive discounts and test knitting opportunities. 🦄 Join the rhyFlower Knits Makers Facebook Group to share your WIPs & FOs with other rhyFlower Knitters!