Shawl Shaping 101: Top-Down Heart-Shaped Crescent

Top-Down Heart-Shaped Crescent

Use these formulas to plug and play your desired stitch patterns into any shawl shape with ease! These are also awesome jump-off points for budding designers who wish to take the plunge into shawl design. Knowing how to shape it will make it that much easier to achieve your goals!

Started at the top and worked down with a garter tab, this heart-shaped crescent shawl hugs the shoulders perfectly. Slightly different from the top-down crescent, this style has a center spine, which gives the bottom more of a tip. Aggressive blocking is recommended, the trick is to have the top edge be tighter than the hem so that the top edge curves when blocked.

Shawl Shaping Rule: 6 increases: 1 on each end of every row, and 2 at the center on every other row.



  • Inc: Increase. My sample uses a yarn over for the increase, but you may choose to use whichever one-stitch increase you prefer for this shawl.
  • K: Knit.
  • PM: Place marker.
  • RS: Right side.
  • SM: Slip marker.
  • St(s): Stitch(es).
  • WS: Wrong side.


Cast on 7 sts.

Setup Row 1 (RS): K2, inc, work 1 st, inc, pm, k1, pm, inc, work 1 st, inc, k2. (4 sts inc.)
Setup Row 2 (WS): K2, inc, work to last 2 sts, inc, k2. (2 sts inc)
Row 1: K2, inc, work to marker, inc, sm, k1, sm, inc, work to last 2 sts, inc, k2. (4 sts inc.)
Row 2: K2, inc, work to last 2 sts, inc, k2. (2 sts inc)

Repeat Rows 1-2 until the desired stitch count has been obtained. Work a Stretchy Bind-off so you can block the shawl into a crescent shape.

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