Safe Space Policy


At rhyFlower, we believe everyone deserves to feel welcomed and safe in all online and real-life spaces associated with our brand. That’s why we have implemented a Safe Space Policy that applies to our website, Ravelry group, Facebook page, and Instagram feed. Our policy ensures that all members of our community can engage in meaningful conversations and share their creativity without fear of personal attacks, harassment, personal threats, or hate speech.


What our Safe Space Policy Means for you

Our Safe Space Policy creates a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone who interacts with rhyFlower Knits. Whether you’re a seasoned knitter/designer or just starting out, we welcome you to our community with open arms. Our moderators work tirelessly to ensure that all posts and engagements align with our policy so that you can feel confident and comfortable taking part in discussions.


Our commitment to moderation and enforcement

At rhyFlower, we take our Safe Space Policy seriously. We understand words can have a powerful impact on individuals and communities, and we will not tolerate any behaviour that undermines our commitment to inclusivity and respect. If we come across any posts or engagements that violate our policy, we will delete or remove them without warning. We may also approach the offender via private message to explain why their behaviour is unacceptable. In severe cases, we may block the individual from our group or thread.


Join us in creating a safe and welcoming community

We believe everyone has a role to play in creating a safe and welcoming community. By following our Safe Space Policy and treating others with kindness and respect, you can help us build a community that celebrates diversity and fosters creativity. If you have questions about our policy, please reach out to us. We’d be happy to chat with you and address any issues you may have.

  • Personal attacks: We do not tolerate any comments or messages that attack an individual’s character, appearance, or personal life. This includes name-calling, insulting language, and other forms of verbal abuse.
  • Harassment: We do not tolerate any behaviour that makes someone feel uncomfortable, intimidated, or threatened. This includes repeated unwanted messages, comments, or interactions.
  • Personal threats: We do not tolerate any language or behaviour that threatens someone’s safety or well-being. This includes physical threats, stalking, and other forms of intimidation.
  • Hate speech: We do not tolerate any language or behaviour that promotes discrimination or prejudice against individuals or groups based on their race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or other personal characteristics.