Russian Join: A Seamless Technique For Joining New Yarn

Knitting enthusiasts are always on the lookout for techniques that can elevate their projects and streamline their crafting process. If you’re seeking a method to create smooth and seamless joins in your yarn without knots or loose ends, the Russian Join is a game-changer! This READ MORE

Knitting Socks with Comfort: A Guide to Modifying Sock Patterns for Bunions

We recently received a query from Barb, a lovely knitter from Calgary, who was looking for sock patterns suitable for bunions. Realising that this topic could be valuable to many others facing a similar challenge, we shared our insights here. Bunions vary in severity, making READ MORE

Swatching in the Round: The Key to Perfectly Fitting Knits

For knitters, achieving the perfect fit in our projects is a gratifying accomplishment. Whether it’s a cozy sweater, socks that fit properly and last longer, or a beautiful hat, accurate measurements are crucial to ensure that the final piece fits comfortably and looks stunning. One READ MORE