Mini Stockings: Knit Your Own Holiday Decorations

The holiday season is just around the corner, and what better way to add a touch of warmth and charm to your holiday decorations than with hand-knitted mini-stockings? These adorable little creations are not only fun and easy to make but also perfect for adding a personalised touch to your festive ambiance. Whether you hang them on the tree, use them as gift toppers, or create a festive garland, knitting mini stockings is a delightful way to spread the holiday spirit and showcase your crafting skills. So, gather your yarn and needles as we embark on a merry knitting journey!



These instructions are incredibly versatile, as we can adapt them to suit any yarn weight of your choice. Select a needle size that results in a fabric you adore, and cast on! It’s a fantastic way to use up those leftover yarns accumulated from various projects throughout the year and declutter before the new year begins.

For reference, I crafted my stockings using Turtlepurl Yarns – Striped Turtle Toes, a light fingering weight yarn, and used US1 (2.25mm) needles. My mini-stockings have mini-candy canes in them. If you opt for heavier-weight yarns, you’ll end up with larger stockings, providing you with even more room to include extra treats and surprises.



Cm: Centimetre(s).
Dec: Decrease.

K: Knit.
K2tog: Insert the right needle into 2 stitches simultaneously and knit the 2 stitches together. (1 st dec.)
P: Purl:
P2tog: Insert the right needle into 2 stitches simultaneously and purl the 2 stitches together. (1 st dec.)
Rep: Repeat.
RS: Right side.
Sl1: With the working yarn in the back of the work, insert the right needle into the next stitch as if to purl and transfer the stitch from the left needle to the right.
Sl1 wyif: With the working yarn in front of the work, insert the right needle into the next stitch as if to purl and transfer the stitch from the left needle to the right.
Ssk: Slip 2 stitches, one at a time, knitwise. Knit the slipped stitches together through the back loops. (1 st dec.)
St(s): Stitch(es)
WS: Wrong side.



Cast on 2 stitches. *Slip stitches purlwise to left-hand needle, k2; rep from * until your i-cord measures 4″ / 10 cm.

Slip stitches purlwise to left-hand needle, k2tog. With a Cable Cast-on, cast on 23 stitches. Join to work in the round. (K1, p1) 3 times and place a marker to denote the beginning of the round. This has situated your I-cord at the back of the leg so your stocking will hang properly.



Rounds 1-10: *K1, p1; rep from * across round.



Rounds 1-20: Knit across round.



Turn your work to face the WS. The heel flap is worked flat across 12 stitches.

Row 1 (WS): Sl1 wyif, purl to end of your heel flap stitches. Turn your work.
Row 2 (RS): Sl1, *k1, sl1; rep from * to last st of your heel flap, k1. Turn your work.

Repeat Rows 1-2 five more times.



Continuing to work flat, work the heel flap stitches using short rows:

Row 1 (WS): Sl1 wyif, p5, p2tog, p1. Turn your work.
Row 2 (RS): Sl1, k1, ssk, k1. Turn your work.
Row 3: Sl1 wyif, p2, p2tog, p1. Turn your work.
Row 4: Sl1, k3, ssk, k1. Turn your work.
Row 5: Sl1 wyif, p4, p2tog. Turn your work.
Row 6: Sl1, k5, ssk. Do not turn your work.

Facing the RS, pick up and knit 6 stitches along the side of the heel flap to form a gusset. To prevent a gap, pick up an extra stitch just before knitting across the instep. Knit across the instep, then pick up an extra stitch before picking up your 6 edge stitches along the side of the heel flap, and then knit to the end of the round.



While working in the round, work the gusset:

Round 1: Knit across the instep, k1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. (2 sts dec.)
Round 2: Knit across round. 

Repeat Rounds 1-2 until you return to your original 24 stitches.



Rounds 1-10: Knit across round.



Round 1: *K1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts on the needle, k2tog, k1; rep from * once more.  (4 sts dec.)
Round 2: Knit across round.

Repeat Rounds 1-2 until you have 10 stitches (5 stitches on each needle). Cut yarn, leaving an 8” / 21 cm tail, and pull through the remaining stitches to cinch up the toe.



Weave in all your ends, attach the I-cord end to the ribbing to make a loop, and soak your stocking in water for 20 minutes with a gentle soap or wool wash. Lay them flat to dry. Let air dry completely. 

As you immerse yourself in the joy of knitting mini stockings, you’ll find that the process becomes just as rewarding as the result. These charming decorations hold the warmth of handmade craftsmanship and add a touch of nostalgia to your holiday celebrations. So, pick up your needles, unleash your creativity, and let your mini stockings become a cherished part of your holiday traditions, year after year. Below are the ones I adorned my aunt’s tree with. ♥

Merry knitting and a happy, cosy holiday for all!

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